Prophecy, Science, and Inflation
In Isaiah 24, the prophet writes that the earth will be laid to waste, polluted, with its surface twisted and its inhabitants scattered. Reading that scripture today, it’s hard not to think about the soaring temperatures and wildfires causing discomfort, destruction, and suffering around the world. Who could have predicted the catastrophes unfolding before us?
Actually, prophetic voices emerged in the 1800s and came from the mouths of scientists. They understood that burning fossil fuels would lead to increased temperatures. The evidence and scientific consensus on climate change has grown over the years, along with solutions for sustainable energy to decrease its impact. Some of those technologies have been around for decades. There were solar panels on the White House way back when I was a kid!
Now you don’t need scientists to tell you about increased temperatures and the resulting extreme weather. Too many of our sisters and brothers — and maybe you yourself — have experienced it firsthand. I hope you’re not among those who have lost your home or well-being as a result, but too many of our siblings around the world, especially among those whom Jesus would term the “least of these,” have.
Although the attention given to climate change has increased recently, many saw where things were headed years ago before such talk was common and adjusted their lives accordingly. Those who put solar panels on their rooftops and bought electric cars are weathering today’s inflation pretty well.
Unfortunately, such lifestyle changes are not feasible for most people. Far more financial incentives are given by politicians to the fossil fuel industry than to individuals who recognize our instructions in Genesis to be good stewards of the earth. So those who would realize temporary financial gain do so with the support of our elected officials, even if it means the consequences will be suffered by future generations. We live in a state where it is legal for natural gas companies (most of which are not located in Pennsylvania) to bribe our legislators. In the words of Isaiah, “the treacherous deal treacherously, the treacherous deal very treacherously.”
Why is the earth being laid waste in Isaiah 24? Because the people have transgressed laws and broken the everlasting covenant. Why now is the earth’s surface being twisted and its inhabitants scattered? Because we have not acted quickly enough in response to what God has made obvious all around us. We’ve taken the gifts of creation for granted, failed to follow our covenants and act as good stewards, and ignored the message of Matthew 25, which instructs us to watch out for those on the margins.
In the time of Isaiah, it was often invading armies who laid waste to the earth. Unfortunately, some things haven’t changed. Vladimir Putin’s army has invaded the Ukraine, and that invasion is subsidized by fossil fuels. Now the people of Ukraine are suffering, their lands are being twisted and made desolate, and the rest of the world is experiencing the worst rate of inflation in decades.
This could have been avoided. Had our country begun a serious investment in sustainable energy sooner, the power of the world’s corrupt governments and oligarchs — and coaligarchs — would be diminished. The science was there and the solutions were there. Unfortunately, the will was not. For many politicians, the allure of money from gas and oil companies is more important than the needs of our children, and thus they’ve kept our economy dependent on fossil fuels.
We’ve all benefited from outdated and damaging energy sources, but now it’s time to repent and forge a new way forward, a way of living that does less damage to our sisters, brothers, and the rest of creation. God has given us the sun and wind, and the science that shows us how to harness that energy. We can adopt more sustainable ways of living personally, and encourage our elected officials to promote sustainability at the policy level.
The covenants between our spiritual ancestors and our creator persist to this day. So do the consequences for violating them. It’s time for people of faith to recognize our call, defend God’s creation, and ensure a better future for the seventh generation.