Pennsylvania Climate Convergence 2022
For too long, many Christian churches in the US have been silent on the issue of human-caused climate change, or in some cases have even supported practices and policies that hasten it rather than acting in defense of God’s creation. God created the world and called it good, but in our pursuit of convenience and profit we have made exploitation of nature the norm.
An increasing number of voices in the church are repenting for our own role (and those of our faith traditions) in bringing about the climate catastrophe that now faces us. It is a human-caused, existential crisis in which the marginalized and vulnerable—those for whom we as Christians should have the highest concern—suffer most. Thus we are now acting individually to adopt habits that are less damaging (e.g., reducing fossil fuel and single-use plastic consumption), and collectively to change the policies and corporate behaviors that are on track to increase food insecurity, the number of climate refugees, and illness among future generations.
For those in Pennsylvania, the upcoming Climate Convergence offers an opportunity to participate in such a collective effort. Activities include panel discussions, networking opportunities, a rally and march, and an interfaith worship service. A petition you can sign now will be delivered to legislators. A variety of groups will be represented, including Stop the Money Pipeline (sign up at that site to receive more information).
Intertwined will be represented at the event. If you would like to connect, please contact me (Kevin) at